To avoid life-threatening consequences, cardiovascular diseases must be identified and treated as soon as possible. When it comes to saving a life, seconds can make or break it. The skills, tools, and resources needed to respond to these emergencies are constantly evolving. As a result, the Champs’ brilliant minds organize this annual gathering to exchange knowledge and define the most recent updates in the cardiovascular field in order to educate, discuss new guidelines, and optimal treatment strategies for the management of cardiac and vascular diseases.
The Champs 2022

The Champs Event, held in collaboration with Paris Sud from March 3–5, 2022, featured a wide range of the most recent updates in all aspects of cardiology, such as bifurcation lesions, the critical role of MSCT, CTOs, and vascular access management, as well as prompt keynote presentations and international speakers’ presentations. The CVREP Foundation’s and the Institut Cardiovasculaire Paris Sud’s endorsement made the course worthwhile.
ICOM Team will always stand by those brilliant minds who are sharing their knowledge with the community.