Rhino Egypt 27th & 12th Pan Arab

It has been such a busy start to the year for RhinoEgypt Team. The notable board members of RhinoEgypt welcomed on board of the conference a whole host of eminent speakers & guests attending from all around the world.
Due to the severe impact of COVID-19, where in-person attendance of such a mega event became impossible. Out of need and pronounced motivations, RhinoEgypt Team decided to go, this year, in a Hybrid format (in-person + virtual).

Despite the challenges of the pandemic, Rhino Egypt 27th & 12th Pan Arab succeeded to invite more than 70 international speakers to virtually join the conference from all over the world working in the fields of nasal and sinus endoscopy, skull base surgery, nasal and sinus inflammation, allergy, oncology, rhinoplasty, snoring & OSA, maxillofacial and more. The theme of the meeting was mainly instruction courses, pre-recorded cadaver dissection and operative procedures.

“Rhino Egypt annual meeting became the leading Rhinology Conference in the Middle East throughout the last 26 years. It acquired an eminent position because of its high scientific value, distinguished speakers and the huge attendance, more than 2000 participants last year”

We have the pleasure to be sharing some of the event’s successes:

  • 95 International virtual speakers
  • 35 National speakers
  • 300 Chairperson speakers
  • 104 Countries
  • 3 Days
  • 7 halls
  • 150 Scientific hours
  • 350 physical attendance

As science is the MOST important thing to Rhino Egypt Team. The scientific program had a strong agenda with topics of interest, continuing education opportunities, and cutting-edge techniques and treatments. The topics discussed were about:

  • Endoscopic
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Maxillofacial
  • Snoring & OSA


The 27th Rhino Egypt has been accredited by the “European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®)” with 18 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.”

At Rhino Egypt, we had different groups attending and the challenge was to ensure they all feel a valued part of the experience. We received researchers, students, speakers, and many more who are looking for networking and learning but casting a spotlight on them for their contributions can be key to creating a community people want to be a part of.

Glad to share some positive Testimonials & Feedback:

"I really enjoyed your conference and well done for such brilliant organization and support"

"Thank you for your effective support! It was a pleasure to be with you all virtually "

"It was a pleasure to participate. Thank you very much for your help and professionalism"

"It was a pleasure to be able to participate remotely in the conference. It was a great program with very valuable information for both the participants and the speakers. Very well done and easy to navigate"

"It was an excellent physical-virtual hybrid meeting, well organized and with excellent contributions of the national and international Rhinology community. Congratulations!"

"Thank you for a wonderful hybrid congress It was very well structured and covered all the topics It was a great experience being a faculty for which I have to thank Dr. Reda Kamel I learnt a lot and the whole conference was a fruitful experience It gave us the opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones – virtually. Hoping to meet all in person soon Thank you once again for this great initiative "

"It was the honor and the pleasure for me to participate in so perfectly organized 27th RhinoEgypt Conference, among the distinguished colleagues from all over the world. All lectures presented by the speakers contained new and extremely important information for the attendees. It was really the great Rhino School. Let me cordially thank Professor Reda Kamel and all the organizers of the Conference for their enormous organization efforts. Hope next time we will be able to meet in Egypt. "

ICOM Team responsibility was to create an easily-accessible atmosphere for global learning:

As a PCO for a mega scientific conference, we know that learning and networking are major components of the event experience. Competition out there is steep and we want to create an event that attracts the best international participants.

ICOM Team had the pleasure to support Rhino Egypt Team in implementing this year’s conference.

Till we meet again soon

Stay Safe