For the very first time, some of the biggest associations in town gather up to create a very unique and unforgettable meeting “PCI Global Summit” to discuss the latest innovations of the intervention in Cardiology and the structure of the heart also the interventions of different categories of the PCI.
“JIM”,  “TCT” and  “CVREP”  gathered their clever minds and huge experience to prepare and steady cardiologists to any case they may face or new treatments even in high risk patients, cheap ones or shocked patients.

500+ physician got the most out of those productive 2 days with 10 CME accreditation EBAC hour and from AACME with 17.50 hours and attended multiple sessions, live cases and cases in the box by experts in the field. 15+ international speakers were gathered from all around the world to add their knowledgeable experience in this summit and turn it into an unforgettable one.

Another successful creation was added to the list of ICOM-ers, another creation they are proud of doing and exerting effort in and to many more to come!
