Here’s to another Success!
Heart Failure Summit 2022
Companies have recently accelerated their efforts to adapt to the digital transformation wave and embark on journeys to counter potential opportunities. They had a fear of being outflanked by competitors who have a faster adoption of digital transformation as this adoption is now a MUST in all business sectors, especially after the pandemic and the surprising change it has caused.
ICOM Group has professionally reacted to this rapid change, the long-lasting change of the Digital Transformation. And as a first successful kick-off, was the digitally transformed Heart Failure Summit. Joining forces with CVREP Foundation and SANOFI, we’ve created an astonishing version of an educational summit. A version where nearly 80% of the summit exhibition area was digitalized, self-registration was on, and digitalized programs and activities were the only ones there. More than 500 attendees enjoyed this changing experience, an experience where knowledge was shared by more than 80 international and national experts in some futuristic vibes. Not missing the medical knowledge shared between this modernized environment, through the 2 days of the summit, more than 25 topics in 10 sessions and workshops were perfectly occupied, reaching out to an instructive digitalized summit that had opened huge gates to many more similar templates.
Again, believing that a genuine digital transformation project involves fundamentally rethinking business models and processes, we’ve taken the auth to implement fresh business models and turn good ideas into organizational objectives, objectives which cope with the market changes and world updates to deliver knowledge in the most contemporary yet professional way.